Its not often that there is a bare wall in my house, and if I do see one it doesn't take long until something is getting hammered up.
I found this one last week...
I found this one last week...
I mean, what did it think it was doing hanging around naked, clothed in no art or mirrors?
And what does a touring map of Ireland, printed in Edinburgh and a bottle of Bushmills got to do with this naked wall?
Yard sticks from Copeland Linens, Belfast which shut up shop last February. Such beautiful wooden rules marked with material memories.
This is how I found the rulers in the factory when it was closing. I think this is a beautiful scene in itself. Dockets of fabric purchases, customer orders and the Irish linen draped from a hook.
The wonderful map of Ireland backed in linen which I purchased from Yellow Submarine, Belfast for a few pounds a few months ago.
Off to Ikea for a frame big enough and light enough to protect the old map.
Naked wall now dressed...
Rulers added. Its all distance and measurements.
The finished frame.
Break the rules and do it differently!
Happy Creating and making
Till next time,
Christine x